Billing Terms & Conditions
Payment Methods:
We accept payments through credit cards, PayPal, and other specified methods in GBP (British Pound Sterling).
Prices are listed in British Pounds (GBP) and include applicable taxes.
Billing Information:
Customers are responsible for providing accurate billing details during the checkout process.
Order Confirmation:
An order confirmation will be sent to the provided email address upon successful payment.
Refunds and Returns:
Refunds and returns are subject to our Return Policy. For more information, please refer to our Refund Policy page on our website.
Late Payments:
Late payments may be subject to fees or interest charges.
Cancellation requests must be submitted in writing. Please refer to our Cancellation Policy [return-and-cancellation-policy] for more details.
For billing inquiries or assistance, contact our customer support at
or call us at +44 74656 92353.
Changes to Terms:
We reserve the right to update these Billing Terms & Conditions as needed. By making a purchase on our website, you agree to these Billing Terms & Conditions.